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Flyers that don't fly straight into the recycling...

Branding Box - creating flyers that don't fly straight into the recycling

So you’ve put all that effort into designing flyers, having them printed and you are really proud of them. Off you go handing them out or getting them delivered and what happens with them...

...well unfortunately a vast majority of them end up in the recycling bin. Of course there will be a percentage of flyer that people keep and then from this a percentage of flyers that generate leads for your business. Thinking about this just how do we stop as many flyers going into the recycling and increase our chance of generating leads?

One answer is make your flyer into something someone wants to keep.

I recently visited The Projects, a creative co-working club in Ship St. Brighton. They have a lovely little café called Seed and I spotted this amazing idea. They have turned the recipe for their signature blueberry pancakes into a postcard for people to take home and keep. What a fab idea I thought. I have a little book of recipes I’ve collected over the years and this postcard will be definitely be added to that book. This means every time I look at my recipe book I will be reminded of the café, the nice lunch I had and how I’d like to go back soon.

The important point to pick up here is have a think and see if you can come up with an idea that will make people want to keep your flyer. Bookmarks, postcards, help guides to name a few. It could be anything - just think creatively about an idea that will fit your brand and business.

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