Why Should Your Website be Mobile-Optimised?
In the digital era, a company's online presence isn't just a nice-to-have, it's a crucial to business success. Especially for...

Why is Responsive Logo Design so important?
Here we learn why Responsive Logo Designs are so important, and some tips to help create one.

SEO in Layman's Terms
SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process of optimising a website to rank higher in Search Engine Results Pages such as Google

Keyword Stuffing
Keyword Stuffing; A Common but Harmful SEO Tactic

SEO Mythbusters
SEO Mythbusters, separating fact from fiction in Search Engine Optimisation.

Branding Badu
With the new @baduhair website launching this week I thought it was a good time to look back at some of my work with Badu Hair.

Inside Soca - a digital magazine website
Read about how I took the Inside Soca website from homemade to eye-catching and user friendly.

Jason Pestel PT
Read about how I set up Jason Pestel PT's website so that his clients find it easy to view the three different services Jason offers.

Paul Reed Architects Website
Read on to see how I brought a new look to Pau Reed Architects website with a common look and feel.

Hero Images
Hero images - just what are they and do you need one?

Woo'd By Food E-Commerce Website
Read about the Woo'd By Food E-Commerce website I created to help Woo grow their business and take it to the next level.

Domain names, website hosting, website design fees & SSL - EXPLAINED
Are you confused by domain names, website hosting, design fees and SSL? If so then read on and we will explain them to you.

Clough Cakes Website 'Lite' Project
Read about the website I created for Clough Cakes and how I built it to grow as their business grows.

To FAQ or not to FAQ, that is the question?
To FAQ or not to FAQ, that is the question? Read on to find out why you should definitely be using FAQs on your website and your social medi

Call to Action
Just what is a Call to Action and why are they really important to your business.